Monday, August 19, 2013

Bayam, The Traditional Siamese

Before rescue

After rescue

This is Bayam. He is a traditional Siamese cat. Before I owned him, he was a stray cat wandering around my outside my house searching for food. It took 3 months to tame him since that time he was already an adult cat. Bayam is a special cat. He is the only cat that hunt rat.  Besides that, bayam also are protective cat. He will chase off other male cat that wandering around outside my house. 

 He is not active as he used before. So, Last week on Friday, I brought him went to see vet and then I receive a bad news, vet told me that bayam have a tumour inside his mouth. The tumors are bigger like marble. This tumour cannot been cured and anytime bayam will gone for forever.  My heart was broken and my tears come out when I heard that. :( Poor bayam. :"( I am so sorry to hear that all this time you are suffered from tumour and cannot eat at all. No wander you lost your weight so much, Bayam. Right now, I still take care of him and to make sure he is still healthy even though the tumours are inside his mouth. :(

* Goodbye Bayam :'(  you have passed away 16/09/2013 Thank You for sharing your love with me. See you in heaven :'(

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